<ErrorMessage />

<ErrorMessage /> 是一个组件,如果给定字段已被访问(即 touched[name] === true)(并且存在 error 消息),则会渲染该字段的错误消息。它期望给定字段的所有错误消息都存储为字符串。与 <Field /><FastField /><FieldArray /> 一样,支持类似 lodash 的点路径和括号语法。

¥<ErrorMessage /> is a component that renders the error message of a given field if that field has been visited (i.e.touched[name] === true) (and there is an error message present). It expects that all error messages are stored for a given field as a string. Like <Field />, <FastField />, and <FieldArray />, lodash-like dot path and bracket syntax is supported.



import React from 'react';
import { Formik, Form, Field, ErrorMessage } from 'formik';
import * as Yup from "yup";
const SignupSchema = Yup.object().shape({
name: Yup.string()
.min(2, 'Too Short!')
.max(70, 'Too Long!')
email: Yup.string()
.email('Invalid email')
export const ValidationSchemaExample = () => (
name: '',
email: '',
onSubmit={values => {
// same shape as initial values
{({ errors, touched }) => (
<Field name="name" />
- {errors.name && touched.name ? (
- <div>{errors.name}</div>
- ) : null}
+ <ErrorMessage name="name" />
<Field name="email" type="email" />
- {errors.email && touched.email ? (
- <div>{errors.email}</div>
- ) : null}
+ <ErrorMessage name="email" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>








children?: ((message: string) => React.ReactNode)

返回有效 React 元素的函数。仅当该字段被触摸并且存在错误时才会被调用。

¥A function that returns a valid React element. Will only be called when the field has been touched and an error exists.

// the render callback will only be called when the
// field has been touched and an error exists and subsequent updates.
<ErrorMessage name="email">{msg => <div>{msg}</div>}</ErrorMessage>


component?: string | React.ComponentType<FieldProps>

React 组件或要渲染的 HTML 元素的名称。如果未指定,<ErrorMessage> 将仅返回一个字符串。

¥Either a React component or the name of an HTML element to render. If not specified, <ErrorMessage> will just return a string.

<ErrorMessage component="div" name="email" />
// --> {touched.email && error.email ? <div>{error.email}</div> : null}
<ErrorMessage component="span" name="email" />
// --> {touched.email && error.email ? <span>{error.email}</span> : null}
<ErrorMessage component={Custom} name="email" />
// --> {touched.email && error.email ? <Custom>{error.email}</Custom> : null}
<ErrorMessage name="email" />
// This will return a string. React 16+.
// --> {touched.email && error.email ? error.email : null}


id?: string

Formik 状态下字段的 id。为了访问 DOM 元素以进行 e2e 测试,它不会以任何方式影响实现,因为仍然可以省略 prop。

¥A field's id in Formik state. To get access to DOM elements for e2e testing purposes, it doesn't impact the implementation in any way as the prop can still be omitted.

// id will be used only for testing purposes
// not contributing anything to the core implementation.
<ErrorMessage name="email" id="form_email_id" />


name: string 必需的

¥name: string Required

Formik 状态的字段名称。要访问嵌套对象或数组,名称还可以接受类似于 lodash 的点路径,如 social.facebookfriends[0].firstName

¥A field's name in Formik state. To access nested objects or arrays, name can also accept lodash-like dot path like social.facebook or friends[0].firstName


render?: (error: string) => React.ReactNode

返回有效 React 元素的函数。仅当该字段被触摸并且存在错误时才会被调用。

¥A function that returns a valid React element. Will only be called when the field has been touched and an error exists.

// the render callback will only be called when the
// field has been touched and an error exists and subsequent updates.
<ErrorMessage name="email" render={msg => <div>{msg}</div>} />
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